My Life in Bits and Pieces

This is where I come from, where I am, and who I am.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Fresh Start

I have a bad habit of starting journals and only filling them up about a quarter of the way. This is the first entry from one of those journals.

September 10, 2006

 There's not much in the world that compares to getting a fresh start, to waking up in a new day. Or, in this case, to finding a new blank book on sale at Target that, immediately when you look at it, makes you feel like you could write the next greatest Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. It's really a great feeling, however fleeting it may be, considering I'm only a paragraph into it and already I think it sucks. Oh well though. The fact is I'm not trying to write an outstanding novel; just attempting to sort into words that which is my life. Besides, this book wasn't even on sale.
  I sometimes wonder how I've come so far in my life without accomplishing anything. Oh sure, here and there I've done a few things. Well, okay, more like just there...the very, very, far-away kind of there. But collectively, the 23 or so years of my existence so far have just been kind of blah...nothing too exciting, nothing too tragic; if it were a picture, you'd look at it and go, "Eh, it's okay." Now I'm not complaining. Well, not technically. There are plenty of things I would never change about my life. Hell, I'm not even regretting, not trying to anyway. Regret is a bad way to try to go through life because you'll never move forward. Anyway, if I'm not technically complaining and trying not to regret, then what exactly am I doing?
  I am stating facts.
  Facts like I know this is a crappy bit of writing and it'd never make it into the Reader's Digest, much less win me the Pulitzer.
  Facts like I like to waste money on over-priced books that I'll only fill up halfway and then leave on the shelf to collect dust and cat hair.
  And facts like at this point my life doesn't exactly feel like a big ball of accomplishment, but that's okay for now because it gives me something a bit more interesting to write crappily about than if I had actually done something like become a biochemist. Boring.

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